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Cattle Market Report

Sale Date: August 13, 2024  Receipts: 613

Market was mostly steady. Weigh cows and bulls steady to $2 higher. Approximately 100 cows from one farm next Tuesday 8/20/24. Pre Vac 8/27/24, if you have calves call Lynden at 870-517-2691. Thanks for the business.

Feeder Steers

Weight Low High Average
200-300 3.25 4.00
300-400 3.15 3.6250
400-500 3.00 3.30
500-600 2.70 3.09
600-700 2.50 2.75
700-800 2.37 2.5750
800-900 2.20 2.40

Feeder Heifers

Weight Low High Average
200-300 3.00 3.5250
300-400 2.70 3.35
400-500 2.50 3.09
500-600 2.30 2.80
600-700 2.15 2.52
700-800 2.00 2.21

Weigh Cows


$100-$155/cwt $145-$182/cwt

Bred Cows:

Cow/Calf Pairs:

up to $2300.00 up to $3000.00