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Cattle Market Report

Sale Date: August 1, 2023  Receipts: 557

Feeder Steers

Weight Low High Average
200-300 2.70 3.03
300-400 2.70 3.17
400-500 2.60 3.00
500-600 2.55 2.97
600-700 2.35 2.65
700-800 2.20 2.41

Feeder Heifers

Weight Low High Average
200-300 2.30 2.79
300-400 2.30 2.68
400-500 2.25 2.68
500-600 2.20 2.52
600-700 2.00 2.35
700-800 1.80 2.19

Weigh Cows


$75-$123/cwt $115-$141/cwt

Bred Cows:

Cow/Calf Pairs:

up to $1675.00 or $123/lb No Test

Market was steady to $10 higher in spots. Very active market on a smaller run due to heat. Cow & bull market was steady to $5 higher.

Thank you for the Business.